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Maggie Benston Centre, #2203, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

Caucus Resources

Resources Documents for Caucuses

Proof of Insurance for Events

SFU (or an off-campus venue) may require that you provide proof of insurance before booking space for your event. Events hosted by Graduate Caucuses are covered under the GSS insurance policy. To obtain proof of insurance coverage, complete the Insurance Certificate Request Form below and email it to theΒ GSS Administrator:

Event Insurance Request Form

Allow at least twoΒ weekΒ (10 business days) to process insurance certificate requests.

Planning to Host an On-Campus Event with Alcohol?

A Graduate Caucus event involving alcohol that isΒ held on any of SFU’s campuses requires a special event liquor license (Special Occasion License), if not held in a licensed venue, such as Highland Pub. (Note: The GSS Lounge isΒ notΒ a licensed venue.)

Organizers wishing to serve alcohol at their event should do the following:

  1. ReadΒ SFU’s policy on selling, serving, and advertising liquor;
  2. Obtain proof of insurance coverage under the GSS policy (instructions above);
  3. If none of the applicants for the Special Occasion License have aΒ BC Serving It Right certificate, complete the online course to obtain at least one certificate ($35 fee); and
  4. CompleteΒ this formΒ to apply for a Special Occasion License from SFU. Β Follow the instructions on the form for submission ($25 fee).

Allow at least three weeksΒ for the Special Occasion License approval process.

Additional Resources

British Columbia Legislation
Although Councillors must always ensure they areΒ following all applicable legislation, two B.C. laws are of particular importance in guiding their actions: TheΒ Societies ActΒ andΒ section 27.1Β of theΒ University Act.Β 

GSS By-Laws andΒ Other Internal Governing Documents
Councillors should familiarize themselves withΒ GSS’s By-Laws. They should also be aware of the society’s otherΒ internal governing documents, listedΒ here.

Student Society Designation RegulationΒ (officially recognizing the GSS at SFU in 2008)

Robert’s Rules of Order
GSS Robert’s Rules Collection of Resources
Useful Guide from University of Alberta