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Maggie Benston Centre, #2203, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

Graduate Council

GSS Council upcoming meeting dates

The GSS Council is the main decision-making body of the GSS.  Every active Caucus is entitled to one representative who needs to be elected to their position; Alternates may also be elected to help fill in when the regular Councillor is unable to attend.  GSS Council normally meets once a month.  GSS Council meetings are open to all current SFU graduate students!

If you are a Councillor or guest please remember to RSVP in advance of the meeting HERE. You can include items for the agenda in the RSVP form.  The deadline to include items for the agenda is normally 1 week prior to Council.

Access agendas and prior minutes HERE

Upcoming Meetings

Next Upcoming Event

GSS Executive Committee Meeting

17 February 2025
- Online
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