Hi Grads,
Happy Thursday. There is still time to enter the GSS Photo contest! If you love photography (either by cameras or cell phones) and want to share your inspirations with other students, please enter the GSS TIMEOUT PHOTO CONTEST-Fall Edition for a chance to win a $100 & $50 Amazon.Ca e-gift card! Submit your photos to student-life@sfugradsociety.ca by Oct 8th, 2021 (yes, that’s tomorrow!). Find out more details about photo requirements and themes HERE. Below are the updates for this week:
*See our most recent Council summary Here!
Studentcare Blackout Period: Due to the transition to a new insurance provider, all of our members on the plan will experience a blackout period until about October 15. You are still covered during this period, but your claims won’t be processed or reimbursed until after the blackout period. More information may be found here or you may contact Studentcare directly about this situation by visiting their SFU Burnaby office in the new Student Union Building (room 2301) or by calling 236-427-8123.
You have only a few hours left to make comments on the GSS’s forthcoming 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan! This plan will guide and inform the direction of the organization over the next three years and we want to make sure that it meets the key needs of our members. To have your say, please fill out this survey by Friday, October 8 (before 4:00pm). If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to chantelle.spicer@sfugradsoeciety.ca.
New Relationship Trust Foundation Scholarship: Indigenous grad students are encouraged to apply for a scholarship from the New Relationship Trust Foundation. The application deadline is October 14 at Noon PST. For more information and to apply, please visit the NRTF website HERE
Translink Survey: Translink would like your feedback on a new Rapid bus route on Scott road, Surrey. Please complete the survey HERE so that Translink can be informed about your needs.
Volunteer needed: The SFU Radiation Safety Committee is looking for a grad student volunteer. The Committee meets twice a year. If interested, send your resume or CV and a paragraph description on why you want to be on the committee to pierre.cenerelli@sfugradsociety.ca by October 15.
Board recruitment – student posting: BCCAT provides an integral link between the BC post‐secondary institutions, education ministries, and public and private education sectors. The Council’s mandate is to facilitate admission, articulation, and transfer arrangements among BC Transfer System member institutions, as well as to conduct research on student and credit mobility.
The posting will be available until October 18th. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply directly through the attached link HERE
Free Workshops: Graduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences should check out the workshops you can access FOR FREE by signing up for The/La Collaborative’s Inquiry Learning Program! For a detailed outline, Click here or, to apply, Fill out this form and submit it to philip.rich@yourcollaborative.org by October 15, 2021 at 2:00pm (Pacific).
Have you wondered how it is like to work in a non-profit sector? Find out more from Dr. Jagdeo, a Sector Manager at Genome BC and Executive Director of Cofactor Conversation Lab:
Title: Making your Path as you Walk it: Creating Impact Through the Non-Profit Sector
HirePhD Alternative Career Path Success Stories (ACPSS) Series
Date/Time: Oct 13, 2021, 5:30-6:30pm PST
Find out more on LinkedIn Event Page or register here.
Follow HirePhD. for upcoming Alternative Career Paths Success Stories (ACPSS) events!
Join our team at SFPIRG! We’re looking for someone passionate about intersectional anti-oppression who wants to support student organizers and engage students in social & environmental justice. We’d love to hear from you!
Apply to join our co-Executive Director team by Tuesday October 12, 11:59pm! For the full job posting and hiring procedures check HERE
Atten the PEAK’S 2021 Annual General Meeting: RUN FOR 1 OF 3 POSITIONS ON OUR BOARD!
When: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 — 1:00 p.m. — ZOOM
If you are interested in running for one of the three at-large positions on the Peak Publications Society’s Board of Directors, contact BUSINESS@THE-PEAK.CA for more information, or visit www.the-peak.ca/constitution/ Applications are due by October 10 at 4 p.m.
If you are an employee of the PEAK, you are a member of the PEAK publications society, and we need you at this meeting!
Lastly, I hope the new semester is treating you well, stay dry and positive!
Cheers, Gloria
And don’t forget to follow the GSS: Website – NEW and improved!