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Maggie Benston Centre, #2203, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

GSS July 2019 Newsletter


Hey Grads,

Welcome to your July Newsletter!

GSS is celebrating its 12th birthday this month! Read on to learn about the GSS Birthday Social next week and other events and activities happening in July.

If you’d like to share your ideas, questions, or concerns with the GSS, or just want to stop by and have a cup of coffee, please drop by our office and lounge (MBC 2205). In the summer, the GSS Lounge and Offices are open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.


GSS Events

Join us at for the GSS Birthday Social at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 24, at Steamworks in downtown Vancouver (375 Water Street).

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Free food and non-alcoholic drinks will be available for all graduate students, plus the first 40 RSVPs will get a free drink ticket. There will also be a prize draw, where you can win some cool GSS swag!

Please RSVP by clicking on the following link by 5 p.m. Monday, July 22:


Opportunities to Get Involved

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer at the Graduate Student Orientation in August! We also welcome volunteers throughout the year. Volunteering is a great way to feel more connected to the graduate student community, meet people, and gain experience. Join the GSS volunteer list here.


Announcements from the GSS

Graduate Sports Drop-In

Get active and meet other students on Fridays, 5:30 pm–7:30 pm at the SFU East Gym in Burnaby.

Here is the Graduate Sports Drop-In schedule for the next month:

  • July 19 – Indoor soccer
  • July 26 – Basketball & badminton
  • August 2 – Indoor soccer
  • August 9 – Basketball and badminton

We would love to have your feedback on this pilot program. Are you enjoying Graduate Sports Drop-In? What sports or activities would you like to see more of? Please email Marina at to share your comments, questions, and suggestions.


Contribute to The Peak

The campus newspaper, the Peak is always looking for new graduate student contributors to cover issues such areas as family housing, tuition & finances, child care, student-supervisor relationships, and GSS advocacy campaigns and any other issues of interest to graduate students.

Graduate student voices are often not heard loudly enough when it comes to campus issues. Along with The Peak, we would like to see that changed. If you’re new to journalism or writing, The Peak offers freelancing positions that pay per article written. Email the Promotions Coordinator at promotions@the-peak.caand they will get you on the mailing list for the newspaper section you want to write for. We hope to see some of you take up this opportunity!


Graduate Caucus Funding

Did you know that every graduate caucus gets money to spend on almost anything that benefits the grad students in your department? (See the Caucus Funding Spreadsheet for funds available to you for the rest of this fiscal year.)


Playland Tickets

Discounted Playland tickets are available using the GSS discount code. General admission and season pass discounts for general and junior admission. This code is posted in the GSS Lounge and available by email:

Please note: The GSS info email is only checked during office hours.


Awards Centre

Here is a link to the currently available Summer Awards posted by GPS. If you are aware of an additional award, or if you would like an award featured here, please email Marina at


Announcements From the University

Join the Lunch ‘n Chat English Conversation Group

Practice your English in a casual environment at the bi-weekly English Conversation Group β€œLunch ’n Chat”. Leave each session with new conversational skills, more confidence in speaking, and connections with other multilingual graduate students. Bring your own lunch. Drop-in, no registration required.

Next meeting: Wednesday, June 31, 2019

Location: GSS Boardroom (MBC 2212)

See the full schedule and topics here:–lunch–n-chat-.html 


On Campus Events

TSSU Events

SUMMER MARKING PARTY Teaching this summer? Have assignments and exams to mark? Join fellow TSSU members for a two-day Summer Mark-A-Thon on Thursday and Friday, August 1 & 2, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in AQ 5039. Food and copious amounts of coffee will be provided!

SUMMER EVENTS Check out all other TSSU summer events or shoot an email to See you in the sunshine! 


Starry Nights at Trottier Observatory

Saturday July 20th, the Vancouver Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada invites you to join them for their Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing! 

The celebration includes light snacks, door prizes, moon talks and short films followed by observing of Jupiter and Saturn at the Trottier Observatory. Seats are limited, so please make sure to sign up in advance. You can RSVP and find out more details here

The Trottier Observatory also hosts Starry Night drop-in programs most Fridays (weather permitting). Click here for more details:


Announcements from the Community

Events and Conferences for Indigenous Graduate Students

Here are some upcoming events and conferences for Indigenous graduate students. 

Kamloopa Powwow – Aug 2-4, 2019 | Kamloops, BC – More details

Summit 2019: Educational impacts in the North; building towards inclusivity, ways of knowing and internationalization in education – Aug 28 – 29, 2019 | Prince George, BC –

Indigenous Women’s Leadership Summit – Oct 10-12, 2019 | Vancouver, BC –

National Gathering for Indigenous Education – Nov 21-22, 2019 | Toronto, ON – More details

FNESC 25 Annual Aboriginal Education Conference – Nov 28-30, 2019 | Vancouver, BC –

UBC SAGE Coordinator Position

UBC is hiring for SAGE (Support Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement) Coordinator.  The SAGE Coordinator will support leadership, mentoring and communication activities for the Indigenous graduate students across the UBC-Vancouver campus and liaise with the UBC-Okanagan campus Indigenous graduate student community, as well as other institutions taking part in SAGE.  SFU has Indigenous faculty mentors and staff who contribute to SAGE in support of Indigenous graduate students.

For more info, contact

Deadline to submit is Thursday, August 15, 2019.


Digital Skills Course Scholarship from BrainStation

The BrainStation’s University and College Scholarship is designed to help students gain complementary digital skills to their university or college degrees. BrainStation offers post-secondary students and recent grads an automatic scholarship that covers 50 percent of the certificate course prices. 

If you have questions about the scholarship, please email Noah Parker at


If you have events or announcements that you would like to see included in next months’ GSS newsletters, you can share them with us by emailing

Follow GSS on Facebook:
