Call to Order (1:00pm)
Appointment of Speaker
Appointment of Secretary
Declaration of Quorum
Adoption of the Agenda
Approval of the Minutes
a. February 26, 2014 AGM Minutes
b. July 31, 2014 SGM Minutes
a. GSS Annual Report
b. Auditor Report
Question Period
New Business
a. Receive the Audited Financial Statements for the 2013-14 Fiscal Year
b. Appointment of the Auditor for the 2014-15 Fiscal Year
c. Receiving and Approving of Regulations Approved by Council since February 26, 2014
d. Special Resolution A: Changing Council Speaker Appointment from Semesterly to Annually
e. Special Resolution B: Synchronizing Director Elections into a Single, Spring Election
f. Special Resolution C: Adding a Term Limit for Executive Committee Members
a. Spring Elections
b. Advocacy and Policy Advisor Parental Leave Replacement Hiring
- Adjournment (3:00pm)
Annual General Meeting Motions β New Business
AGM2015.01 β Be It Resolved That Audited Financial Statements be received for the 2013-14 Fiscal Year.
AGM2015.02 β Be It Resolved That Tompkins, Wozny, Miller & Co be appointed as the Auditor for the 2014-15 Fiscal year.
AGM2015.03 β Be It Resolved That all the Regulations approved by Council since the February 26, 2014 AGM be approved.
AGM2015.04 β Be It Resolved That the GSS By-law V Section 14 be amended to change the Council Speaker Appointment from a semesterly to an annual appointment, as circulated at the February 4, 2015 AGM.
AGM2015.05 β Be It Resolved That the GSS By-law VI Section 16-22 be amended to synchronize the Executive Committee elections into a single Spring election, as circulated at the February 4, 2015 AGM.
AGM2015.06 β Be It Resolved That the GSS By-law VI be amended to implement an Executive Committee term limit, as circulated at the February 4, 2015 AGM.
Annual Report/Letter from Executive
New By-Law V: Graduate Council
Old By-Law V: Graduate Council
Old By-Law V vs. New By-Law V (Side by Side)
New By-Law VI: Executive Committee