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Maggie Benston Centre, #2203, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

AGM 2019


  1. Call to Order
  2. Appointment of Speaker
  3. Appointment of Secretary
  4. Declaration of Quorum
  5. Adoption of the Agenda
  6. Approval of theΒ January 31, 2018 AGM Minutes
  7. Reports:
    1. GSS Annual Report 2017-2018
    2. Auditor Report
    3. Question Period
  8. New Business:
    1. Receiving theΒ Audited Financial StatementsΒ [unapprovedΒ draftΒ until received at the AGM] for the 2017‐18 Fiscal Year
    2. Appointment of the Auditor for the 2018‐19 Fiscal Year
    3. Receiving and Approving of Regulations Approved by Graduate Council sinceΒ January 31, 2018 [although Council did not approve any regulations in this period, the list of retired governing documents may be foundΒ here.]
  9. Presentation: Mark Leier (Professor of History at SFU), β€œReimagining Supervision”
  10. Β Announcements
    1. Consultation of general membership in anticipation of a referendum to amend our bylaws
    2. Post‐AGM social event (6‐8pm, Club Ilia)
  11. Adjournment



  • The GSS Annual Report 2017‐2018 may be foundΒ here;
  • The draft version ofΒ GSS’s AuditedΒ FinancialΒ Statements of August 31, 2018 may be foundΒ here;
  • A reception will be held after the AGM and will take place from 6‐8pm at Club Ilia (Cornerstone Building, 8902 University High Street).