Newsletter, November 13th
Happy Friday everybody!
I hope you are all doing well transitioning into winter, and during rising COVID19 cases. We really miss seeing you, and I can attest to the fact that staying at home has gotten the best of me at times (or I suppose my roommates would be better to ask). I wanted to take this newsletter to highlight our mental health survey – please take time to full it out. Lastly, do yourself the favour and be kind to yourself: treat yourself to a nice meal and/or cocktail, give someone in your bubble a hug, take the afternoon off, do what brings you a smile 😊.
COVID-19 Mental Health Survey (10min!) – Graduate students are facing unique mental health challenges and the GSS is working hard to advocate on your behalf. We need to better understand your situations and challenges: TAKE THE SURVEY and enter to win a one of five $50 gift cards!
Are you in COVID-19 Quarantine? You can apply to GSS Emergency Grocery Cards: APPLY HERE
That’s all folks, enjoy your weekend (AKA DON’T WORK EVERY MINUTE YOU MANIACS)!
Contact the GSS General Inquiries Advocate
Mo-Fr: 9:00am – 4:00pm
MBC 2203 778-782-3899 778-782-9412