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Maggie Benston Centre, #2203, 8888 University Dr, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6

Newsletter September 25


Dear Grads,

We hope you have had a wonderful start to the semester, and can finally enjoy some non-smoky air – who had fires one on their 2020 bingo? My name is Lucian, your new Director of Student Life, and you will be hearing from every now and then with the newest updates from the GSS. I look forward to hearing from you all, and always feel free to reach out to me. I hope you enjoy the new style of our newsletter, and I’d love to hear some feedback.

September Council: Please find the summary for our latest council meeting – READ ME

  • National Black Graduate Network took place on September 4th: READ MORE
  • First discussion about the RA Collective Agreement: Join TSSU’s Special General Meeting on October 1st, 5-7pm, and discuss bargaining priorities – EMAIL:

  • COVID-19 Childcare Survey (10min!): The GSS is working hard to advocate for graduate students with children. Help guide our efforts and enter to to win a 50$ gift card: SURVEY

  • StatusForAll compaign by Migrant Rights Network endorsed by GSS Council:  Help support the effort by signing the petition by yourself or as an organization – SIGN HERE
  • SFU Safe Walk Program: The Safe Walk program provides SFU community members escort around campus 24/7 with a security officer or campus security member. READ MORE
  • Check out our Social Media and remain up to date with current events.  We are on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

  • We are re-vamping out webpresence and are looking for a capable webdesigner – sound like you are a friend? APPLY

  • SFU Gondola:  TransLink is collecting feedback on the proposed Burnaby Mountain Gondola project until the end of September: SURVEY or READ MORE

  • Academic Integrity Week 2020 – From Sept. 28th to Oct. 2nd learn about citing sources, assignment preparation and exams in loads of different workshops. READ MORE


Hope you are all doing well and feel free to get in touch at any time!

Cheers, Lucian


Contact the GSS                            General Inquiries                                           Advocate

Mo-Fr: 9:00am – 4:00pm                               

MBC 2203                                       778-782-3899                                                  778-782-9412